Into The Wild Blue Yonder…

Francesca and Elaine are thrilled to welcome Mick Arnold for a chat about the things that interest him, as his latest novel, Wild Blue Yonder (Broken Wings Book 2), is out in the world.

If you were stuck on a desert island with one person/record/book who or what would it be and why?

I’ve always wanted to be on Desert Island Discs!

Music plays a huge part in my life. I even have to have music on whilst I’m editing. Sorry, weird, but there’s nothing I can do about that, it’s too late for me. Ever since I first heard the songs of the Beach Boys back in 1978 whilst driving across France and Spain to Morocco – I hasten to add, I wasn’t driving as I was way too young – I’ve been in love with their music, but especially that of their main songwriter, Brian Wilson.

So the question is, would I prefer the company of Brian or his masterpiece, the album, Pet Sounds? It’s quite a difficult question as Brian is a genius songwriter, it’s often been said, he’s an amateur human. I’ve met him twice and would have to agree with that assessment. So, Pet Sounds it is.

Pet Sounds is full of fantastic songs. It first came out in 1966 and contains, for instance, God Only Knows, Sloop John B and Wouldn’t It Be Nice (you’ve all heard it on the adverts). Famous for their harmonies, The Beach Boys never sounded as good as on this album. The music and orchestrations are sumptuous and you only have to listen to it once and you’re hooked; or I believe you will be.

This is an album, which I never tire of hearing, and still sounds as fresh to me as when I first tracked it down in 1980. Yes, I remember the date I first obtained this record. At last count, I think I have it on four or five different versions of cd, dvd and blueray, plus an original 1966, which I bought for lp!

Paul McCartney, you may have heard of him, as he used to belong to some British rock group (I forget their name), once said that ‘God Only Knows’ is the greatest song ever written and that Pet Sounds inspired them to come up with Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. Pet Sounds stands up to anything, at any time and listening to it always puts me in a mellow mood. Simply put, I will never tire of listening to this album and so long as there’s a way for me to listen to it, I’ll be very happy having this with me on my desert island.

How do you select the names of your characters?

You’re going to love this! Usually by looking around where I happen to be writing and seeing if any books (there are usually some around everywhere in the house) have interesting names on their covers. Sometimes though, the names simply come to me as I’m writing. I do have the usual baby name and surname books, but they never seen to be around when I need them.

Do you have a favourite writing place?

Strange as it may seem, just sitting on the sofa, with my laptop on my…um, lap. I’ve tried sitting at a desk and/or table, but it doesn’t seem to work for me. I can’t seem to write if it’s totally quiet either so I’m quite happy with either a good movie on or some music in the background.

Other than writing what else do you love to do?

Listening to music and watching films are two of my favourite things to do, if I’m not writing. I also love just watching my two Romanian Werecats play. Mind you, I’m not quite sure if they aren’t actually just testing out plans for taking over the world!

Thank you so much for chatting to us, it’s clear that you not only have a love of writing but the Beach Boys as well.

About Wild Blue Yonder (Broken Wings Book 2)

Air Transport Auxiliary pilot Doris Winter is accused of stealing a valuable item from a famous Hollywood movie star, now a Captain in the US Army Air Corps, after a dance at the air base in England where he’s stationed. Gathering her close friends together, she’s determined to clear her name.

Ruth’s POW son suffers a life-changing injury just as her own cottage takes damage in an air raid and Penny’s estranged little sister unexpectedly turns up, having run away from school. Together with the ongoing thefts of items of clothing and surprise personal revelations, these all threaten to hamper their investigation.

In spite of the worsening war situation, they must band together to rise above their troubles and prove love and friendship is worth fighting for.

Buy links:

Amazon UK – Wild Blue Yonder (Broken Wings Book 2)

Aamzon US – Wild Blue Yonder (Broken Wings Book 2)

Amazon AU – Wild Blue Yonder (Broken Wings Book 2)

Amazon CA – Wild Blue Yonder (Broken Wings Book 2)

iBooks         – Wild Blue Yonder (Broken Wings Book 2)

Nook           – Wild Blue Yonder (Broken Wings Book 2)

Kobo          – Wild Blue Yonder (Broken Wings Book 2)

A word about the author…

Mick is a hopeless romantic who was born in England and spent fifteen years roaming around the world in the pay of HM Queen Elizabeth II in the Royal Air Force before putting down roots and realizing how much he missed the travel. He’s replaced it somewhat with his writing, including reviewing books and supporting fellow saga and romance authors in promoting their novels.

He’s the proud keeper of two cats bent on world domination, is mad on the music of the Beach Boys, and enjoys the theatre and humoring his Manchester United-supporting wife. Finally, and most importantly, Mick is a full member of the Romantic Novelists Association. Wild Blue Yonder is the second novel in his Broken Wings series and he is very proud to be a part of the Vintage Rose Garden at The Wild Rose Press.

Contact/Social media links –


Twitter:                @mick859

Instagram:           mick859

YouTube channel: M A Arnold